ACG Penguins School ELS



Being Ready

Readiness for school can be determined in many different ways, from awareness of letters and numerals, to being resilient, independent or knowing the steps to take to find answers to questions.

In our Kakapo and Kiwi rooms, our programme focuses on a balance of preparing your child not only academically, but also emotionally/socially and physically.

Our Kakapo and Kiwi rooms have programme inclusions such as lunch box days, which familiarise your child with some of the routines they will experience at school. Your child will also have a project book, and book bag which includes a writing pencil, alphabet card and writing book.


These are not compulsory to use and are a means to encourage your child to express their ideas and to practice making marks and learning about how print works.

Integrated within our everyday programme and children’s “ACG Penguins Individual Learning Plans”, we support the development of literacy, numeracy, scientific enquiry, and development of essential concepts and skills.

Being Able

Alongside this, we encourage independence and self-help skills, and it is helpful to establish some morning and afternoon routines with your child that support this. This may include putting their own shoes and jacket on, being able to re-apply their own sunblock, finding their own bag hook and name tag and carrying their bag in and out. All expectations that most of our local primary schools have for new entrants.


Moving on

Transitioning into formal schooling is primarily the responsibility of you as the parent/whanau, however we provide access to information about local schools and what to look for in a good school. We also liaise with school support teachers and parents over settling in children who have specific learning or behaviour needs.

Not every school will fit every child and if we feel the fit of a particular school may not suit your child’s learning style, then we will let you know. We believe it is vital your child’s first few weeks at school are successful so they feel happy, settled and engaged in their learning.

You can view the Education Review Office reports about learning centres on their website.